Meet Whitney
“Whitney Collins is a fine art dance photographer based in Savannah, Georgia, whose curiosity about photography was kindled when she got married and hired a wedding photographer. Not only was she impressed by the fee the photographer commanded, but she also got the opportunity to take a few shots herself and was immediately hooked. She started her business with a holiday shoot in a local park, but as a former dancer, soon gravitated toward dance photography. That was when her career took off.
She started a Facebook campaign called “For the Love of Dance,” which propelled her business forward. Now, she stays active in her local dance community as a sponsor of local dance events. Collins’ advice to photographers just starting out is to find three people who exemplify your ideal client and give them excellent service and photographs. From there, word will spread.
In the most recent round of The Portrait Masters Awards & Accreditation, Collins was the sole photographer to achieve the coveted Fellow accreditation, the highest level possible. She also had images place in the Black and White and Dance categories. You can see them in the Awards Gallery.”
Originally published by RangeFinderOnline. You can read the full article here.